Wednesday 15 September 2010

What club shall we go to tonight?

Forget half naked blond bombshells, garish multi-coloured patterns and copy that only fourteen year olds from West London find appealing and check out these promotional flyers for club nights around the world created by Job Wouters (Letman) in collaboration with Roel Wouters. They designed material for clubs like 'Sugarfactory' in Amsterdam and 'Club Rotterdam'. These flyers would definitely sell even the most grimey club to me!

They are uncluttered, bold designs that have room to breath. The hand-made style typography and eye-catching blocks of colour bring an element of youthful creativity without looking naive or innocent.

On the surface these designs are fun and exciting but it's only when you look deeper into the many layers you really start to appreciate the quality of the composition and extraordinary typography skills.


  1. Wow Lucy, cool find! The Typography and use of layers in these fliers could keep me occupied for a while! And the definitely stand out from all the ones we get shoved in our hands everyday at uni!

  2. Halo, Tiger Tiger, Mission, Gatecrasher... they need to take some tips! Love these! I completely agree with all you say. It's nice to hand rendered typographic elements designed with precision and care used solely to market a nightclub!
