NHS Birmingham East and North just launched a new campaign to warn people of the long-term effects of childhood obesity. The posters show images of children that have been altered to show how they would look with medical conditions and feature captions such as "Ollie Webb, heart attack age 35" and "Asif Khan, stroke victim age 31".
I think the idea is hard-hitting and impactful and will make parents think twice before over-feeding their kids with junk food. I feel however, that although the images were in fact shot by Rankin they let the posters down. To me they seem a little half-hearted and ambiguous and to be honest I think there would have been a number of students who would have been delighted to take on this job for free and produced the same if not better quality of work.
There is one poster however that I feel is really effective, and it's this one below...

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