Saraceno's new dramatic installation called 'Galaxies Forming along Filaments, Like Droplets along the Strands of a Spiders Web' really captured my imagination and creativity. He worked with both spider researchers and astrophysicists for several years to develop this impressive 350 cubic metre installation that filled the whole of the Baltics Level 2 gallery.
It's formed from interwoven elastic rope that stretches to the floor, walls and ceiling and instantly provoked thoughts of energy and time and made me remember just how tiny a spec I am within this galaxy. If you wanted to walk around the exhibition you were forced to interact with the installation, climbing over or ducking under its ropes. Bumping into one meant sending vibrations up and around the whole giant web which made it look like a great spider was shivering. The spiky web was somewhat menacing but also beautiful and other-worldly and really got my mind thinking and exploring...
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