I think this ad is great because it doesn't scare cyclists with shocking imagery or all the horrible scenarios that could happen on the roads, discouraging them from riding, nor does it place blame for accidents that have happened. It very simply demonstrates how easy it is to 'look but not see', catching the attention of even those that think themselves very careful drivers.
I feel this campaign is so much more effective than those in the past because it has moved away from the traditional shock tactic strategy and instead tried to actually understand what is causing these accidents. The viewer interacts and plays with the advert making it memorable and something to talk about. So many agencies just want to design the most shocking advert or chilling campaign yet but this idea gets straight to the point without making you never want to leave the comfort of your living room ever again.
When the strap broke of his laptop shoulder bag he was carrying damaging his computer inside he began experimenting with making a laptop bag from cardboard. After alternating the direction of the corrugation he constructed something that could take the force of the blow. Although I'm not sure I would quite trust cardboard to protect my beautiful Apple Mac I still think this is a beautiful piece of product design which hopefully will inspire other designers to start using materials that can be recycled easily. Its about time we started to exploit unlikely, unappreciated materials, because I suppose you never know what you might create or discover.
In the run up to the UN summit in New York next week, One, the charity headed by Bono and Bob Geldof, is launching a campaign to ensure that no child will be born with HIV by 2015.
The campaign calls on people to sign up to the petition, to put pressure on world leaders to ensure that no child is born with HIV by 2015.
The campaign encourages users to choose one of five animated babies and a protest message to send on to friends that might also be interested in supporting the cause. Just by taking part in the interaction with the babies on the website you are signing a petition to world leaders!
Obviously some people will seek out petitions like this and sign willingly because they believe in the cause but sadly most people aren't as proactive as this. Therefore One has so cleverly created something that looks like a bit of fun, that people can talk about and send to their friends and almost without realizing are helping to support a very important campaign. It's not that they're fooling people into this, it's just that they're making 'politics' accessible to those that might find it intimidating or all a bit too serious for them. It's not that people don't care, it's just some people aren't interested in listening to balding old men squabbling and might find cute babies and internet interactivity more appealing. Yes the campaign is a little unorthodox and the babies kind of creepy in my eyes but I think it will get peoples attention and that's what they want right?
They are also asking people, including celebrities, to change their profile on their social networking sites to one of them as a baby. This again is a subtle and unimposing way of getting the message to spread.
Check out the campaign website here... http://www.one.org/international/actnow/babyprotest/index.html