So many times have organisations tried to deter people from smoking but still millions carry on as if they'd never seen an anti-smoking ad in their lives. These days, in the western world most people know the dangers of smoking and that it's damaging to their health but yet studies show that even health warnings and anti-smoking campaigns just prompt those that do smoke, to light up. Coming up with a successful campaign for anti-smoking is a difficult problem for even the most experienced designer and I admire anyone that takes a shot at it.

I just came across these images for a campaign trying to make people think twice about smoking and I think they are very effective. Rather than showing disgusting images of peoples blackened insides or amputated fingers they've chosen a subject that's much closer to the viewers heart and creates strong feelings of guilt and sorrow, children suffering. With images of bad health people feel unattached, they don't believe that something that extreme is ever going to happen to them. However smothering their children in smoke is something they know they do and will feel bad for doing so. The art direction is powerful because the children look so distressed and helpless, trapped in smoke. The manipulation of smoke creates the image of a bag over the children's heads and is a direct and clever link to the idea of suffocation. This is a really impactful way of informing the public of what cigarette smoke can do to their children without them even realising.
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